Underwater Vacuum Massage

The analgesic and relaxing effect of warm water makes it possible to influence deeply located groups of muscles
The basic principle is the local vacuum effect on soft tissues in a warm bath with fresh water
It improves transcapillary metabolism and blood circulation in the muscles, and increases the intensity of the metabolism in the underlying tissues
It reduces active vascular tone and hemodynamic resistance
Aqueous medium enhances and transforms the effect of massage techniques on the body
A combination of the mechanical effect of vacuum massage with the thermal and hydrostatic effect of the water increases the effectiveness of treatment


  1. Degenerative diseases of the joints and spine: osteochondrosis with various reflex syndromes that do not require neurosurgical intervention; osteoarthritis (I–III X-ray grades) without synovitis.

  2. Edematous fibrosclerotic panniculopathy (cellulitis).

  3. Correction of cosmetic defects on the skin (e.g., scars).

  4. Treatment of contractures.

  5. Chronic fatigue syndrome.

  6. Fibromyalgia syndrome.

  7. Obesity.


  1. Acute inflammatory diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

  2. Thrombophlebitis of the superficial and deep veins of the lower extremities.

  3. Phlebothrombosis, elephantiasis, varicose veins.

  4. Chronic venous insufficiency.

  5. CAD, arterial hypertension, 2nd grade.

  6. Aseptic necrosis of bones.

  7. General contraindications for physiotherapy and balneotherapy.

  8. Individual intolerance.